Friends, Hobokeners, countrymen, lend me your ears. Or at least your sump pumps. The weathermen are predicting heavy rain again today. And you know what that means. In the greatest little city, that means flooding. The National Weather Service has announced rain storms that started this morning could lead to potentially dangerous flash flooding. Damaging winds, large hail and lightning are also in today's forecast. Yikes! But maybe we need not fear this time around. This time around storm water catch basins around the Hoboken Housing Authority that in the past have been filled to the brim with mud, leaves and other debris, have been cleaned out. This time around maybe we won't end up like the Boss. This time around, maybe we won't get lost in the flood.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Put On Your Flood Pants
Friends, Hobokeners, countrymen, lend me your ears. Or at least your sump pumps. The weathermen are predicting heavy rain again today. And you know what that means. In the greatest little city, that means flooding. The National Weather Service has announced rain storms that started this morning could lead to potentially dangerous flash flooding. Damaging winds, large hail and lightning are also in today's forecast. Yikes! But maybe we need not fear this time around. This time around storm water catch basins around the Hoboken Housing Authority that in the past have been filled to the brim with mud, leaves and other debris, have been cleaned out. This time around maybe we won't end up like the Boss. This time around, maybe we won't get lost in the flood.
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